Ellie is 9 months old and I can not believe it. The time has flown by and Ben recently said, she has been out of belly longer than she was in now. I love every minute I spend with her. She is wonderful. She is laid back most days. She eats well, loves to smile, loves to laugh and play. She can roll, lunge and get wherever she wants to go. She loves to talk, even though it is a language we don't understand. Ben often says she is so cute he can't even stand it. She fits into our little family perfectly. She has recently also gotten her 1st tooth, so watch out food, the sky will be the limit soon! Her monthly pictures are also becoming an adventure as she likes to help in displaying her number :) We love our little Ellie more than words can say and are excited to see what adventures the next month brings in our family's life!
Her Stats:
Height: 27 3/4 inches (50%)
Weight: 14.6 lb. (5%) We are going to be adding more snacks this month :)