We went on our annual family beach trip last week. It was a little later than we usually go due to many factors, one being Ben got picked for jury duty and had to serve on a case for 7 days. We are so blessed that our friends' family owns the beach condo and were able to accommodate our change in schedule. We can not thank them enough for generously allowing us to use their condo every year at their friends and family rate. It is a true blessing and always a much needed recharge for our family, especially this year as it has been a busy year and a super busy summer. We enjoyed 4 nights this year as they gifted us with a free night. We of course had a blast and spent every morning and afternoon on the beach. We have some real beach babes in this house. Ellie takes right after her Dad and LOVES the ocean. She would just run right in. Quinn is like her Mom and more of a relax on the sand kind of girl. She was leery of the water at first and then would warm up to it and then would tip over in the water and be leery of it again. Seeing Ellie in the water always made her give it another try. We enjoyed tons of good family time that was much needed to reconnect during this season of busyness and enjoyed good food, family movie night and riding in the golf cart to get ice cream. We are already talking about next year!

Ready for the Beach
Ellie is such a good big sister. They of course have their moments, but Ellie takes good care of her and lets Quinn follow her all over the beach. My prayer is that they are always this close.
I turned around in my chair to see this. Quinn was happy as good be just playing in the sand. We have two independent ladies!
Makes my heart smile!
Family Sandcastle! Ben was all about building a family sandcastle and it started out with all 4 of us but ended with Mommy and Daddy doing all the work.
Daddy did most of the castle on his own and I did most of the moat on my own with a little help from Ellie. The shovel bridge was all Ellie! :)
Ice Cream Time
True Love: Ellie sharing her ice cream with Quinny!
Kite Flying
Family Movie Night
Ben and I are always saying we have a great little family and we love the time we can spend together. In this season life is very busy, but I am so happy we are still able to squeeze in time like this together making memories that these sweet girls will have for a lifetime.