This year was our first Christmas in Minnesota and was also Mia's first Christmas! We were hoping for a white Christmas but the snow decided to hold off until the next day and we have enjoyed it ever since. We had a very relaxing Christmas filled with new and old traditions. We enjoyed Christmas Eve with our new faith family and a relaxing Christmas Day celebrating the birth of Jesus. This year has been a whirlwind for our family and God has walked with us every step of the way. Our cup is overflowing with all He continually blesses us with and has blessed us with this past year even in the moments of deep valleys He was always with us. This time of year is always a time that as a family we look back and reflect on all that has happened in our year and we are looking forward to this next year with immense excitement. Where we are is such an amazing answer to so many prayers we have had over the years and reflecting on how He has walked with us every step always leaves me in awe each year. Thank you to all who have prayed for us and walked with us this past year in our struggles and joys and thank you for continued prayers for our family as this year brings new friendships, the search for our new home and many firsts including sending our sweet Ellie to kindergarten this coming fall. We pray you all have a happy and healthy new year!

Christmas Movie Night
Annual Gingerbread House
So happy Daddy doesn't have school anymore! This was our first year he did not have school and he was able to help us construct our house. He built the walls and the girls did the decorating!
One night we went out to see the lights while wearing our jammies!
Christmas Cookies for Santa!
Christmas Eve
Mommy finally broke down and got a bow for one of the girls. I am not a bow person but she was really cute with it on.
These three! If they only knew how much they make our hearts melt!
Christmas Jams! Every year I make the girls Christmas jammies and last year Ellie got to pick out the fabric. Unfortunately, I do not have my sewing machine this year as it is in storage, so I bought them some matching jams.
Santa visited! It is a pretty tall task to find an Anna doll, but after a little hunting Quinn's request from Santa was met!
Christmas Baby (She wore some red jammies to match her sisters!)
Stocking time! (Santa, a.k.a. Daddy, found two great headbands for the girls and they loved them!)
Opening gifts from Franny! My GrannyFranny spoils these girls and they love it! She always sends the best clothes and they immediately start putting them on as soon as they open them!
Celebrating Jesus' Birthday!
Our baby enjoying her jumper!
Doing a little New Year's cooking!
New Year's Eve Game Night and Ice Cream Sundaes