Friday, March 11, 2011

February Fun

In February, we did lots of playing. The weather warmed up and we got to do lots of fun things outside. Geep and Gran(Ben's parents) came down for a visit one day and we got to go to the park and Ellie had a great time sliding with both of them. Ellie loves for Mayli to come every Thursday to play and go to Story hour, so they have had a great time especially since Mayli is crawling now! Ellie had her 15 month appointment this month and her stats are:

Weight: 22.5 lbs. (50th percentile)
Height: 32 inches (90th percentile)

She is growing great and the doctor thinks she just had a height growth spurt and will level off by her 18 month appointment, they also measured her with her shoes,so I am pretty sure she is a little shorter. Ellie is a talker. She loves to talk nonstop with her own language and friends tell me to watch out once she can say real words because she is never going to stop talking. She is very independent and determined. She is starting to discover that she wants things her way and wants to do things by herself and if that does not happen watch out. She loves to giggle and loves for Ben and I to chase her. She also loves exploring and loves to give squeezies(hugs) to everyone. We are looking forward to a busy March and are going to see Nana, PopPop, Uncle Andrew, Great Grandmary and Great PawPaw and meet some new friends in Tennessee that we are super excited to get to know. I have also ventured into new sewing projects and will post some pictures of my successes towards the end of the month. We will keep you posted as we continue on our adventures!

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