Friday, May 27, 2011

Tennessee Adventures

Back in March we went to visit my family in Tennessee. Ellie did a great travel job. She read lots of books and on the way home was so tired and did lots of sleeping. We had a great time visiting family, exploring, meeting new friends and seeing my grandparents great newly remodeled home. We even got to play Wii at my parent's house (Ellie did a little Just Dance 2 with me). It was a quick trip but relaxing as usual. Ellie was the star of the show as always and met some new friends, Riley and Xavier, and made a new special friend, Brittany, who she loved giving squeezies to. We did lots of playing with Nana and PopPop and got to go to The Spaghetti Factory. We can't wait to go back in August and get to see everyone again!

1 comment:

Becky said...

The bathtube pics are hilarious! I love the one of you two doing Just Dance 2 on the Wii. Ellie has her controller too! LOL!