Ellie wanted a ponytail the other day like Mommy and then wanted to pose for her picture. Her hair is getting longer by the day and it fit great in a ponytail. After her nap, we then took advantage of the great weather we had last week and went to the park. Ellie was so excited to go to the park and since the fall she is able to freely go on anything as she is much more coordinated, but the swings are still the favorite. The weather was beautiful at 70 degrees in January. I know many people in North Carolina are loving this weather in January, but I have to confess I am missing the winter and where is the snow? I have lived here since 2003 and this could be the first year since I have lived here with no snow or ice :( Having grown up in South Florida most of my life I am familiar with this kind of winter and have to say it is a reason I moved from there so that I could enjoy the seasons. So in our house we are wishing and hoping that winter will show up before the spring arrives, if not summer could be here a lot earlier than we all want :)

We love this smiley girl!!! I mean really how can you not love this face :)

This is what she calls smiling :)
Love that smile!!! :-)
I know that feeling oh too well, I want winter - I can do without 70* days in the winter months. Give this Florida {converted to a New Yorker} girl some snow!! LOL
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