Monday, April 23, 2012
Introducing Little Quinn Avery Holden
Our sweet little Quinn arrived on 4/21/2012 at 3:31 am at 6 lbs. 14 oz. Her birth was nothing like the induced labor and delivery I had with Ellie. I was told having Ellie in a little less than 8 hours was very fast for a first birth, but Quinn is already trying to one up her sister :)
I went to the doctor on Friday morning and was barely 3 cm dilated and we scheduled my induction for the following Wednesday as with my gestational diabetes that had estimated Quinn at 7lbs 9oz the week before putting her at over 8 by the time of my induction. For a week I had been told that I would not make it more than 7 days, but for two more appointments there I was waddling in with my big belly. Friday I met yet another doctor and she was great. She would be on call for the weekend and since my doctor would not be available at 39 weeks I was scheduled to be induced with this doctor. So Ben and I planned accordingly to be induced on Wednesday and I went about my usual routines Friday. Saturday morning at about 1:15 in the morning I woke up with a contraction, which was not unusual as I had been having them for a while but I usually would walk it out and go back to sleep. I got up walked around and tried to go back to sleep. It didn't work so I tried that again. The contractions were still happening but I thought let me take a shower and then see how it is. The shower did not stop the pain, so at about two I woke Ben up and told him I think he should time them. He did and they were 1-2 minutes apart. So he called our friend Lindsay to come watch Ellie and his parents to tell them once we got to the hospital and knew something we would call them and decide when they should head down from Raleigh. Meanwhile, the pain was getting pretty bad for me and I could not wait to get to the hospital and get an epidural. The hospital we use is downtown in Charlotte and is about 20-25 minutes from us. So at about 3 we were on our way. The contractions were coming fast and were painful. Ben drove fast and through many red lights and we got there at about 3:21. We parked the car and headed up. Meanwhile I am feeling like I need to push and know that an epidural is at least an hour away as I still have to check in and change and they have to call the doctor for the drugs. In the elevator my water broke. We continued to head to the check in and halfway there I sent Ben ahead so I could stop and deal with my pain. I was screaming in the hallway and two nurses came and got me and took me right to triage where they checked me and constantly told me not to push while I was screaming I need drugs. As they checked me I heard one nurse say we need to go she is complete and I thought natural is not what I wanted and I knew that was about to occur. I still screamed out for drugs but as they moved me to the delivery room and bed one nurse looked me in the eyes and said "Drugs are not going to happen and we are having this baby right now." Three pushes later little Quinn was here. So within 10 minutes of getting to the hospital she was born. Ben said it was crazy in the room and there were people everywhere. He was just happy to not be having this baby in the car.
Natural was not what I had intended as I am wimpy with pain and not what I would sign up for, but it was fast and the recovery has been amazing. I had no time for an IV or anything. We were both healthy and left the hospital on Sunday morning with no complications. I have been able to move around with no problems and Ben took us to the store today so Ellie and I could get some things and I am constantly reminding myself I just had a baby two days ago.
She has been an amazing baby. She eats well, sleeps well and has a great personality. I even got 6 hours of sleep our first night home! I have prayed this whole pregnancy for the things that have happened and the Lord has provided, but just in His way and not what I thought should be the way, which he constantly reminds me of in my life. We have had many people praying for us this pregnancy and their prayers have seen us through to this amazing result.
Though a crazy delivery as I look back it was a blessing as it was extremely fast and was what contributed to our faster recovery. I have been told that my next delivery will probably go at the same pace if not faster, so as soon as I feel pain we will be out the door and to the hospital :)
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1 comment:
Oh Em, I love this wonderful birth adventure!! I honestly can't picture you screaming or screaming for drugs! Ha Ha! It gave me a few chuckles :)
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