Sunday, October 28, 2012

School Time

Ellie and I are having a great time with school. We do lessons for about an hour in the morning and I am having a blast using all my old ideas and tools on her. September had many weekly themes and we are learning about letters and numbers, shapes and colors every week. Ellie knows most of the skills but this year was about making learning fun and helping her to gain confidence in what she knows and practice the skills she was unsure of. Teachable moments is something you always look for and we are having tons of those through school and applying our lessons to our everyday lives. She loves to tell Ben what she is learning and he is always interested to learn. Each week has a theme and I have created themes for each month as well. September was about apples, October has been about pumpkins and November is going to be about Thanksgiving and Fall. The art projects have been endless and Ellie is always asking "Is it school today?'. She doesn't quite understand why we don't have school on Saturday and Sunday, which makes me smile because she really is loving it. Here are a few snapshots of our time, I am trying to be intentional about taking pictures of our time to document our time this first year of Mommy school.

Apple Sandwich Snacks

Matching Uppercase Letters

Matching Upper and Lowercase Letters

Color Sorting

Diamond Hunt

Eating Jello 2's

Fingerprint Apple Tree

Matching Upper and Lowercase Letters

Diamond Hunt

Matching Upper and Lowercase Letters

Apple Creations

Painting Pumpkins

Apple Creations

Yarn Apples

National Milkshake Day

Color Sorting

Writing Letters in Shaving Cream

Quinny wanted to check out this school thing.

School Time

Rainbow Week

Knuckle Pumpkins

More Pumpkins


Pumpkin Treats

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