Monday, April 15, 2013

Tarheels and Tea Parties

January was a busy month. Ben was gone for a week for school and while he was away the girls got sick and then passed it to me and that began our marathon of sickness, which has continued into April. We are generally very healthy but this year we have gotten sick constantly. Quinny got to show her Tarheel pride for Daddy in January and Ellie and I enjoyed some tea parties with our set from Nana. We had tea water and buttermilk pie, which I made. Ellie got dressed up as she said we had to be fancy. Thanks to Miss Lindsay for the animal print cardigan as it is super fancy for our tea parties and Ellie makes it a must for her attire. This little girl is full of personality and keeps my days full of laughter.

Daddy's Little Tarheel

Watercolor Fun
(I think I enjoyed it more than Ellie! It was very relaxing.)

Getting Fancy with After Nap Hair

Tea Party Time with After Nap Hair Again

Another Fancy Outfit

1 comment:

Becky said...

I am a big fan of fancy outfits and "nap" hair! She is beautiful! And how about a little Nole?