Thursday, December 18, 2014

4 Months Young

Sweet little Mia is 4 months old and is such a giggly little baby. She has been loving her exersaucer and loves to watch her sisters. Every time she sees her sisters she grins from ear to ear. They keep her quite entertained. She went for her 4 month appointment and weighed 11 lbs. 4 oz., which we were pretty happy about. Even though she is in the 2nd percentile, she is growing strong and for our babies being on the chart at this point is pretty good, as small babies are the norm for us. She was also 23 1/4 inches, which was the 5th percentile. So far she is following in Quinn's path for size. She loves to be held and carried around in her sling. She is always smiling and it is easy to make her giggle. She goes with the flow and as long as I carry her in her sling or the bjourn she is completely content when running errands and going on adventures with her sisters.
These next two months will be big months for little Mia. She has started solids and we have to work with her on not turning her head to the left so much. She loves to lay on her left side, so much so that it is affecting the shape of her head. She is pretty persistent in getting to that side even moving things I place there to stop her. We will be talking to a specialist to see what we can do physical therapy wise and then if there is not improvement in the next two months she could be wearing a helmet for a little bit. I would love for her to avoid a helmet, but the interventions we may need to take would be all for cosmetics as the doctor says there is nothing wrong with what is happening inside her head. :) Please be praying that our sweet Mia would continue to be healthy and that her sweet little head would get back to its sweet shape as soon as possible.

 Life With Sisters

 Growing Big!

 First Tastes of Cereal! She actually has done the best out of all 3 of our girls. The other girls cried and cereal was short lived. Mia has tolerated it for the most part.

Her sisters requested her presence at their sleep over!


Doug Holden said...

Looks like her big sisters are treating Mia like a little princess! Miss being with them after our nice Thanksgiving visit!

Becky said...

How sweet Miss Mia looks. Love her smile. We'll be praying for her.
Merry Christmas!!