Wow! We can not believe our sweet Mia is already 6 month old! We have lived a lot of life since she was born and it has made her life fly by. She is one sweet baby! Our babies seemed to get sweeter and sweeter and more laid back each time as well. Other than being hungry she rarely gets that upset. In the evenings she has her witching hour and basically wants me to hold her, but it is short lived. She is doing great with her craniocap and physical therapy. She is now rolling from back to front, which she learned first, and front to back. She is eating solids around three times a day and will be working on her finger pinch this month so she can start eating her puffs. In many ways I want this time to go so slowly so I can soak in every minute of this sweet baby stage. So far out of all the girls she has been the one to be the most attached to me, by no means in a noticeable way that she does not easily go to others, but in a way that she prefers to snuggle me over others. She is the sweetest little addition and such a perfect piece to our little family!
Her stats:
Weight: 12 lbs. 6 oz. (The 1.5%. We are good at making petite little girls!)
Height: 25 inches (The 15%. Following in Quinny's footsteps!)
So adorable! She loves her feet right now and her hands!
What a cutie pie! And all that hair!! Guess I'm just use to Cooper not having any! She looks so happy. Hang on to this time as it goes so quickly as you know.
Emily! You all are the cutest family
in Minnesota! Just wish I could squeeze every one of you but the next
best thing is reading and seeing your
Blog. Don't let the girls forget us...we love all of you.
Let me know when they get their first
High Five...Grandmary
So sweet!! I wish I could kiss all over her tiny face!
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