Grandmary has been my fiercest prayer warrior my entire life. She has seen me through many joys and valleys. It is her wisdom I long for everyday as it is unmatched. Her devotion to Christ was a sight to behold. She never met a stranger and as I told her in my last moments with her she has meant everything to me and my unending devotion to her was exactly how I know she felt for me. It is such peace to know that she without a doubt knew what she meant to me and the impact she had on my life. She prayed for every detail of my life and I told her she was not to leave this Earth until I was married, once that happened I told her she couldn't leave until she met my first child. She had a health scare when I was pregnant with Ellie and I told her she could not leave me until she met all my babies. Our God is amazing and allowed that to happen. As Mia and I ventured down to Tennessee to celebrate my grandfather's life Mia met my grandmother a few days before she passed and that was one of the greatest gifts I could be given.
PawPaw has also taught me an immense love for the Lord and an immense devotion to your spouse and children and grandchildren. He let his family be who God created them to be and go where God took them all the while loving us with all he had. There has always been something about his hug that gave such comfort and peace that is unexplainable. The way he said my name when I called and told me he loved me made all right in the world. I was so blessed to tell him I loved him in the last days of his life as at times he could only listen and not speak on the phone. He knew my love for him and I knew his love for me.
They both leave such an amazing legacy for their family of love for the Lord first and their families. All my family and I have always felt that they have loved us unconditionally and with a fierceness that is hard to describe. Ben will often say he is married to another Grandmary and that I have birthed him 3 more as he considers us to be quite the characters, as she was, and I tell him that is the greatest compliment I could ever dream of having. To be a tenth of who she was would be an immense honor to me.
My Sweet Grandparents (They were celebrating my grandmother's 80th birthday! This was a couple weeks before Ellie was born!) They were a couple of such humor and wit as well as love! Their joy for life and their one liners could make anyone laugh at any time!
Mia meeting Grandmary! My Grandmary was never without her "face" as she called it. She always had her hair done and her lipstick on, so to see her without it in the final days was a sign that she was ready to meet her sweet Lord.
Though there for a sad reason, Mia did get to her PopPop, also known as the baby whisperer!
And we got to meet our new cousin Baby Cooper! These two are definitely related!
And she got her Nana snuggles and gave Nana exactly what she needed during this time!