Wow, has life been full! It has been quite some time since I have blogged and life has been busy and full and the blog has taken a back seat. We have celebrated holidays and family successes and milestones. We have celebrated an unexpected visit to see family and lives well-lived. And as I sit blogging now I am celebrating that we have moved into our new home! It has been a crazy ride these past months but we are so excited to finally be settling into our new home and beginning to feel like this is home. We face new upcoming milestones and challenges, one being Ellie heading off to school in a less than 5 months, but as I look at all that has happened and we have experienced in the past few months I am grateful for my husband and my girls and the unending love of Christ. He meets me each day and has been teaching me good lessons as He molds me into the woman, wife and mother He desires me to be. My focus is being renewed on what is most important and other than Christ the sweet shining faces I see each day in my home are what Christ has called me to. I prayed diligently for years for these sweet girls and loving man and God answered my prayers and living life with them is what He has called me to in this season. They are my people and I could not be more blessed to live life with them!

Valentine's Donuts
Success! Sleeping with her head to the right!
Sportin' Our Helmet
Making Valentine's Cookies
Rolled Over for the First Time
Success! Sleeping on our Back! Big Milestone for her!
Enjoying the Outdoors!
Mid-March Snowstorm meant Snow Cream!
Ellie completed her 7 weeks of ballet and had a recital!
Our Awesome Ballerina!
Finally making ice cream with our ice cream ball in our new backyard!
My People! All smiles as Mia graduated 1 1/2 months early from her helmet!!
A special little 5 year old learned to read!
First swing outside! We moved here before she was big enough for a swing and then it got cold, so we were excited for her to have her first experience. She could not stop giggling!
We have a little roller who rolls everywhere just like her sisters did!
Mommy Date!!
1 comment:
LOL! Love all the pics and updates! I miss those sweet girls. Glad to have had a little time with Mia and am looking forward to seeing Ells and Quinny soon! I guess you and Ben can come too! I love you all!!
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