Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Exploring Downtown

A couple of Fridays ago we set out one morning to explore some of downtown. There is so much to explore here and we are looking forward to many adventures. This time we went to the Sculpture Garden right downtown and took a bridge across to a cute little park and playground. We then ate lunch downtown at a great little place, explored the library and then visited the Chain of Lakes, which we can't wait to visit again especially when the girls are of bike riding age. The city has wonderful outdoor activities, amazing museums, a phenomenal theater district, second only to Broadway, and all the major league sports that Ben could ever dream of seeing. We are looking forward to some sporting events next year and I can't wait to take the girls to some plays and explore the museums and zoos. Here is a little taste from our recent explorations!

 First Stop: The Sculpture Garden

 Meesy needed a picture with the Snow Woman too!

 Running for the Leaves

 Had to wake up and see these sculptures for herself!

 Bridge across the highway to another park. There is a poem on the bridge that is apparently the longest poem in the world.
 Chain of Lakes 
There are lakes everywhere here! This is a group of them that have walking and biking trails all around them. People were everywhere out enjoying the weather and exercising. This is a very active city and the quality of life here is amazing.

 Swing With A View
 Our Little Monkey


Becky said...

Can't wait to visit! Excited about the Sculpture Park and the theatre district! I know the house space is a wee bit smaller than what you had before but it looks like God provided just what you needed right now. Less space, less cleaning, more time to explore! Mia is so cute and growing fast. Keep the pics coming!

Trina said...

I agree with mom! The living space, although it may be smaller than what you had better, you always make do and find a way ���� It just temporary. I love your new city and surroundings - looks like so much fun! Part of why I love NY so much is b/c we're not too far from museums, gardens, theatre, etc. Enjoy! The girls are getting so big and they're beautiful as always!! xoxo