Thursday, April 29, 2010


Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to the past couple of weeks. We have enjoyed getting outside. We went to the park with Ellie's buddy Ethan and Ellie had her first experience feeding the ducks (well really Mommy fed the ducks), but Ellie watched. She is also learning to sit up on her own and loves to play in the exersaucer. This month we also got a visit form Geep and Gran and were able to get a family photo of our little family, which we don't have many of. Maggie and Ellie are also slowly discovering each other. In fact the past 2 days I have found Maggie in Ellie's crib. Once she was sleeping under the quilt by herself and the second time she was sleeping all curled up at Ellie's feet while Ellie slept. Next time I will try to get a picture. Ellie also loves going out to run errands and loves singing in the car. She is a wonderful little buddy for running errands. She is growing fast and learning to love new foods. In just 2 weeks she will be 6 months old and it seems like yesterday she just arrived.

1 comment:

Trina said...

Oh my goodness Em she's just getting more & more precious, which I didn't think was possible! You guys definitely are blessed!! :) I can't believe she's going to be 6 months already, it does seem like just the other day! Love you!! xoxo