Thursday, August 20, 2015

11 Months

Sweet Mia was 11 months in July. Her teeth started popping in last month and by this month she has 4. Typical to her sisters' same patterns she waited to get her teeth and then they came in fast and furious. None of our girls have been terribly fussy during teething time and Mia was no exception. She continues to say "Dada, Mama and Nana." She is a pretty easy going baby and rolls with the punches. She is still my little snuggle bug and loves on me whenever she can, which has been such a blessing to my Momma heart.

 Got this great picture of her sucking her palm! This is her thing! Ellie took a paci until she chewed through them at about 2 1/2 and then just chucked them in the trash like it was no big deal. (She still sleeps with her monkey nightly, so that is her comfort.) Quinny sucks her two middle fingers on her left hand, or as she says she needs to "chewy them". Mia, true to form around here, is her own individual and sucks her palm. Everyone she comes into contact with thinks it is the cutest and most unique thing. She has always done it and it is her comfort. She does it when she is upset, when she is upset and when she goes down at night and for naps.
Such a sweet girl!

1 comment:

Becky said...

My sweet, cuddly Mia! My fist bump buddy! She is such a cutie pie. It is so precious when she sucks her little palm.

They are each very individual little girls and all reflect their mommy and daddy as they are adorable and have such beautiful characters. I say this as a completely objective Nana!!

I knew a little girl that lasted about two months on a paci and about five years on two fingers!

We had such a wonderful time and miss my sweet girls! And their Mom and Dad too!