Tuesday, February 23, 2016

December 2015

December is always a full month for us. We enjoy continuing old traditions and starting new ones and this year was extra special as it was the first Christmas we celebrated in our new home!

 We started the season by visiting the Santa's Workshop display at Macy's and visiting Santa.
 The line was pretty long this year, but this year Ellie decided she wanted to meet him!

 And when we got in that room, 1 out of 3 were willing to sit next to him without crying and without Mommy! Ironic that Quinn loved him last year and this year screamed!
 We made lots of fun treats!

 And of course licked the bowl after every treat made!

 We made sugar cookies...
 ...made sure to have the quality checked...
 ...and decorated them just right!

 Thanks to Kindergarten, Ellie requested Gingerbread Men be added to our list of treats!

 Then we packaged them up and delivered them to lots of friends near and far! (I grew up making treats with my Mom and delivering them to friends and neighbors and I love passing this tradition on to my own girls!)
 We also made a gingerbread village this year!

 We got in our Christmas outfits and went to church!

 Once we were home, we read the Christmas story and opened up our yearly pajamas!

 Most pictures end up in madness...
 like this!
 Opening the family present!
 Cookie for Santa and carrots for the reindeer!
 Christmas Morning!

 Who needs new toys, when you can just enjoy the old!
We had a wonderful and relaxing day celebrating with each other! It was wonderful to be home and in our p.j.'s all day. We had a great meal and ended our evening celebrating Jesus's birthday! We are constantly directing our kids to the real reason for Christmas and they our the first to remind me in the beginning of December that we can not forget to have a birthday party for Jesus! I pray that our girls not only know the real reason for celebrating this time of year in the middle of all the fun, but also continue the traditions with their own children one day.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Great pictures! Love the one of you and the girls at the fireplace. Both of them!!! LOL! Trips to see Santa are always questionable!!! Looks like you did okay.

The Christmas outfits are so cute. Glad Ellie got to wear her dress. It looks cute. Tell her I loved it! The pajamas are also adorable with all of them in striped pants. I just think you and Ben should have had them too and done a family pic.

As you say, "I pray that our girls not only know the real reason for celebrating this time of year in the middle of all the fun, but also continue the traditions with their own children one day." This blog post has been so sentimental for me. At the time you do things you don't always know or think about how this will affect others. Christmas is a time of giving and sharing something from your heart with others. The trays we made when you were growing up was one of the things I loved to do. The baking and putting the trays together was fun but it was so special to see you kids carrying them to neighbors. It was my favorite tradition. Seeing you doing the same thing with your kids fills my heart. Have I told you lately how thankful and proud I am that you are my daughter and I love you very much? God made you Special!! :-) I'm just thankful he blessed me with you!