Wednesday, March 17, 2010

4 Months Old

Last week Ellie turned 4 months old. We can't believe how fast the time goes. We went to the doctor and Ellie got 3 more shots, which Ben got to experience with us, and her usual measurements.

Weight: 11 lbs. 12 oz.
Height: 23 1/2 inches

She is still tiny, but on track for her. She hit the double digits in weight and is doing great. She has been learning many new skills. She loves to tell us stories and smiling. She has started to do little giggles here and there. She can hold her toy rattle and loves to lick just about anything. She even transferred her toy from one hand to the other one day. She is practicing rolling over. When she lays on her back she can get on her side but needs a little help rolling all the way over. I did wake up one morning to find her on her stomach, so she has rolled over on her own, but not to her knowledge. She also can figure out how to turn herself around on her back or stomach if she wants to get different viewpoints. She loves her Bumbo and loves to watch basketball with Ben. He calls it her eyeball sugar. We tried the jumping seat. She thinks it is very nest that she can stand and see me and I am not holding her. She loves standing when we hold her, but as you can see from the picture she is very little, so she will need some time to grow into it. Ellie also started sucking on her two fingers, which I did when I was young, and she has discovered the camera, which makes smiling for pictures difficult since she can't stop staring at it. We can't wait to see what she learns this month!


Doug Holden said...

I LOVE those beautiful baby blues!

Ben and Emily Holden said...

We do too! Hope they stay!!!

Heidi said...

Oh, those sleeping pictures are the best! They are SO sweet when they're asleep.