Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Father's Day 2012

This year I decided to make something for Ben from the girls. Ben ahd actually already bougth some tool and told me not to buy him anything, so we made a little something instead. I decorated two picture frames with nuts and bolts and put the girls' pictures in them for his desk at work. Ben had to work, so before he left we made him open his presents. We made them the day before and wrapped them and the whole time he was reading his cards Ellie was talking about the pictures, but Ben had no idea what she was talking about. Gone are the days of keeping secrets and wrapping gifts for people in front of her!

After Ben got home from work he enjoyed a nice nap, which is really the best present for him, and we went to dinner. We enjoyed celebrating such a wonderful Daddy! Ellie is so in love with him and I have to say that he is so in love with her. She loves having cuddles with Daddy every day and she loves when Daddy does the bedtime routines. She misses him terribly when he is gone. He is a great father for little girls and has even mastered the blow drying of hair! (We are still working on the putting in of bows.) It is awesome to watch him interact with our little girls and listen to the wonderful things he says to Ellie that I know build her up as a little girl and make her feel truly loved. I am excited to see him develop this same relationship with Quinn and watch her devotion to him as Ellie is devoted to him. As my mom and grandmother say to me all the time, I got a good one! I would have to agree and I pray daily that the girls get one just as good as him!

Ellie smiling!

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