Saturday, March 8, 2014

Minivan Momma

Big news in our house! As we will be welcoming a new addition we entered the world of owning a minivan. I have never been one to desire a minivan, but as I knew it was in my future my only request was automatic doors. Ben is a super deal finder and has been on the hunt, which he loves to do. We have been praying and searching for just the right deal and Ben found it. It is more than we could have ever hoped for and will be great for our family for many years to come. I must admit I am loving the extra space, but after driving my other car for 10 1/2 years, I am glad that it is now Ben's and I did not have to say good bye to it just yet. ;)

1 comment:

Becky said...

Nice! Love that you are going to be driving a minivan. I know how much you have wanted this! :-) I was trying to remember how old your car was but it seemed like yesterday when we went and got it. Time flies! It has been a good vehicle and since God provided you with another nice vehicle I'm sure it will last a long time too. Enjoy the doors.....see what you were missing! Good job Ben! Sorry about your Volvo! :-(