Thursday, January 15, 2015

First Real Haircut

Ellie got her first real haircut the other day. She got a little trim when she was a baby. My hair stylist told me to wait as long as possible to get her hair cut since once you start their hair is never the same. Ellie needed to just even out the ends since Daddy likes his girls with long hair. Overall, it was not a huge change but cleaned up her hair a little. She did great and had a great time as we turned it into a Mommy and Ellie date. I am trying to get better with rotating one on one time with the girls out of the house. We try to do something special and sometimes combine it with errands. The girls don't care what we do as long as it is time with just Mommy. They are starting to understand that we take turns and they always know whose turn is next. I would like to make it a little more consistent and as we settle here and get our home that will be easier to do.

After running an errand at Target we got a special treat! She was so sweet and thankful. She thanked me for spending this special time with her and told me it was one of her best days ever! (By the way, she has a lot of best days ever, so I am not sure where this one ranks! ;)...)


Becky said...

Awww, that is so sweet! Those special one on one days will be such great memories for the girls. It will definitely be a treasure for them and you.

Ellie looks so grown up sitting in the chair for the cut. Her hair is beautiful. Love you Ells!!!

Becky said...

It keeps growing and you may have your Crystal Gayle hair style! ;-)