Sunday, January 3, 2010

Helping Mom Cook

Ellie has been getting good at holding her head up. We tried out the bumbo seat and she did pretty well. She is liking it more and more. She helped me cook dinner tonight and enjoyed sitting at the table with us to eat. I also got a couple of shots of her smiling the other day. I was on the phone with my mom and told her to smile for Grandma and she did. I got a picture at that very moment. Ben has been sick so Ellie and I have been hanging out together because he wants to make sure he doesn't get her sick. This has given me lots of time to snap pictures, which we know our family that lives far away love seeing!


Mom said...

How precious!!! Looks like you did at that age, enjoying that sliding glass door. That was your favorite place when you helped me in the kitchen!!!

Doug Holden said...

Wow! She's doing GREAT! Her little personality is gonna start bubbling out all over the place now! Nice she can keep mommy and daddy company in her bumbo!