Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ellie's First Snow!!!

Ellie enjoyed her first snow today. Ben was home most of the day and we had a great snow day. Snow days are some of our favorite days because it is so pretty outside and we love time at home together. We will be venturing out tomorrow to get a few more pictures with Ellie and us in the snow. We may even build a snowman! Maggie also ventured out but usually not willingly and was definitely not going to touch that white stuff!

1 comment:

Doug Holden said...

Looks like you guys got about what we did! We stayed in all day Saturday but went for a long walk this afternoon in the brilliant sunshine and blue skies! It's slushy this afternoon, but when it freezes over out! It's gonna be treacherous!

Ellie looks so cute in her snow outfit! Did you "sled" her down the driveway in her Bumbo???