Friday, April 13, 2012

37 Weeks

We have hit the safe zone of the pregnancy at 37 weeks, so she can come whenever she would like. I went to my appointment Thursday and had an ultrasound and she is estimated at 7 lbs. 9 oz. already, so I am ready for her to come now. My blood pressure spiked Thursday and so I had to return today (Friday) for another check, it was high, but went down and all my blood work looks great and so does the baby so we are patiently waiting. The doctor estimates I will deliver in the next 7 days based on my check up. I go back Tuesday morning to have another check, if she stays in that long :) We are excited and anxiously waiting her arrival but at the same time enjoying our last bits of time with just our family of 3. Please continue to pray for us in the coming days!

(Sorry the belly is little hard to see, but it is there for sure!)

1 comment:

Becky said...

My beautiful, beautiful girls!!! Soon to be three girls!