Tuesday, April 22, 2014

17 Weeks or Less

When this picture was taken I was 22 1/2 weeks pregnant. (We are now 23 as of yesterday and down to 16 weeks or less.) We will be induced by 39 weeks. I feel like in my mind I have plenty of time to get ready and with life events in our family taking my time right now I can be focused on all my prep items in June and really in July. However, when I told Ben the other day we were at 17 weeks or less he felt a little pressured. :) He seems to think we have a lot to do and not much time to do it. It is a little funny as usually he is feeling like me and I am feeling like him, I guess that is what a third pregnancy does to a Mom. Overall, we are doing well. I had a low lying placenta, which resolved itself by 18 weeks and my diet seems to be going well. This little girl moves all the time, which the doctors were impressed with. At 28 weeks I will have another ultrasound to check her size as is common with gestational diabetes and will have one or two more by the end. I know the routine, so it is no big deal to me, just more pictures of our little one!

I feel like I am pretty much just growing straight out! ;)

1 comment:

Becky said...

You are growing straight out!!! You look absolutely great! Praying for you and baby.