Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Last Seven Days

We have hit 38 weeks! We have seven days left maximum before we get to meet this little girl! It is our last days as a family of four and the last days that I will ever be pregnant as this last little girl will complete our family. We can not wait for her to arrive! Every night Ellie and I talk about how the baby could come and she may wake up and get to go meet her new sister. Every day she talks to my belly and tells her to hurry up and come out. We are all ready, even Ben is at the point of wanting this baby to come and usually he wants every last moment he can get to get things done and enjoy the last days. So far she is growing great, her heart rate is perfect and she is moving like they like. For my past two appointments I have had contractions, which I have felt for the past two weeks throughout my days, and the doctors have told me that I should be ready anytime. None of the doctors think I will make it until the 11th, which we are hoping is true, but baby's come when they want. I tell Ellie God already has this baby's birthday picked out and we have to be patient and wait until that day is here.

Last Belly Pic at 38 Weeks!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Can't wait to meet new baby Holden. Looking forward to seeing the girls in a few days! Praying for your delivery. I love you.