Monday, April 15, 2013

Quinn is 9 Months

Quinn has turned 9 months. She is still all smiles and so laid back. She still has no teeth, but is beginning to army crawl. Ellie never army crawled, she went from rolling everywhere to crawling. Quinn can't stand not being around Ellie or not being able to do what Ellie does so she had to get places somehow. She goes with the flow and eats whatever we give her generally. We are pretty sure her blue eyes are here to stay, at least we hope. She is also our little giggle monster and will giggle and laugh at just about anything. She is just the cutest thing. These two girls are so cute that it is hard to not want to just cuddle them all day.

At this point grabbing everything in sight is the norm, so teddy and the paper were not still for long.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I can't wait to get my hands on this cutie!