Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ellie's Responsibility Chart

We have started a responsibility chart with Ellie. We started her with one in the beginning of September and she has been doing really good with it. She gets stickers for doing her responsibilities and then earns treats. Her first opportunity to earn something was for 50 stickers and she chose an ice cream cone. We have slowly worked our way up and she now has to earn 175 stickers for her next prize, which sounds like a lot but she can earn around 15 a day, so it adds up fast. We are very proud of her and she is excited to do more around the house and we are excited she is doing more chores around the house. The chores are not done perfectly, such as making her bed, but they are done to the best of her ability and she is proud of herself for doing them and that is all that matters, not to mention I now only make her bed once a week when I change the sheets, so it helps Mommy out too! :)

1 comment:

Becky said...

How precious! Looks like she is enjoying her ice cream cone. It looks almost as big as her! Love the smile in the last pic!