Monday, October 29, 2012

Half a Year

Quinny has hit 6 months old. She is half way to the big 1. She is a baby with a joyful personality. She giggles and smiles constantly and loves to play with Ellie. She loves to eat and grab whatever she can get her hands on. She has developed some stranger anxiety and loves her Mommy, which is different from Ellie, who never really had stranger anxiety that much. She is very observant and loves to see everything that is going on around her. She is a baby that makes having 2 a little easier. She draws attention with her piercing blue eyes wherever we go and it is very common for me to be looking at something in a store and turn around and her eyes have drawn a crowd. We love everything about this little girl and can't imagine what life was like without her.

Her stats:

She is a very tiny little doll baby as many say. She is tipping the scales at 11 lbs. 3 oz. (not even on the graphs at the 0 percentile) and her height is 24 inches (again not even on the graphs at the 0 percentile). We have an amazing doctor who never lets a thing bother him. Ellie was also small so he is in no way concerned with Quinn's weight or height and she is hitting all the other milestones developmentally. We just have tiny babies! Tiny has it's benefits as clothes last a lot longer around here! :)

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