Thursday, July 11, 2013

Movies and Maggie

Love to see these sweet sisters at movie night. Ellie was so kind to allow Quinn to share her beanbag with her.

We also celebrated Maggie's 5th birthday at the end of June. We can not believe she is 5 already. Ben and I got her when she was just 6 weeks old and I constantly tell her she will be the only cat I have so she better live long. She is a tiny cat for her age and when I see other cats they seem HUGE next to her. I can not imagine having a cat that is not Maggie. She is patient with this crazy family. Ben is definitely her favorite now that the girls have come along ( I am sure she blames me for their arrival!) and Ellie is her sleeping buddy. Almost every night if you are searching for Mags you can find her sleeping with Ellie. She has also been very patient with Quinn. Quinn is OBSESSED with Maggie and being gentle is something she is trying to work on and Maggie is kind enough to allow Quinn to practice on her. We celebrated with pudding for us all. Ellie wanted us to put a candle in the pudding and sing to Maggie so we did. We love our sweet Moogie Shoes, as we call her, and could not imagine life without her in our family!

1 comment:

Becky said...

LOL! I love the pic with Maggie and Ellie and the pudding! That is so cute!