Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Gooey Harvest

Last week Ben thought it could be time to pull our carrots. We let the girls each get one and they ate them for dinner. They both loved them and Ellie was very expressive about how carrots fresh from the garden are so delicious. She can't stop talking about how we need to grow some more.

Our tomato plant is also still producing tons of tomatoes. Ben is pretty surprised it has given as many as it has!

A couple days later the girls and I made some goo. Ellie loves to play with it an has always been pretty good about touching and playing with things that I make or try out. Quinn on the other hand does not like her hands to get dirty. She has always been that way and even when she eats cake, donuts or cupcakes she wants to wipe her hands after every bite (we are just now showing a little growth when we eat). I was like that when I was little, so I guess she comes by it naturally. She was all about the goo and very excited until she touched it and then she said, "I not like it!" and proceeded to cry. She was completely content to watch Ellie play with it.

 Not a Fan! Not even sure that she really touched it that much.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yes, Quinny sounds like her mom with the hands. You would get so upset if your hands got dirty when you were her age. Guess it wasn't as important as you got older because I remember you never having a problem helping your dad at the barn or with feeding in the early hours of the morning on the farm when you were home! Your dirty hands didn't bother you then!

Love the carrots! I planted them twice this year only to have the seed washed away by storms both times. Hopefully next time I'll have success!