Monday, July 21, 2014

Creative Projects

We love to be creative around here! I love to sew and do lots of art projects with the girls. I wanted to make pillows for the girls for their big girl room that they will share. Ellie already had two I made her when she was a baby but I decided to revamp them and add a third pillow. I also made Quinn 3 pillows to go on her new bed. I have always used pink and green with Ellie and we have accented it with yellow, as Ben likes to add in more than pink. With Quinn purple has been her color. For their bedding Ben wanted them to have different bedding so I went on a hunt to find Quinn one that had purple as a main color but still had some green and yellow like Ellie's. I found it and am excited to see their all put together when that time comes. The pillows of course highlight the colors that will be on their beds.

The girls also did some creative art. I like to make them sidewalk chalk paint and found a great idea to put it in squirt bottles like we use for icing our cookies. The girls had a great time painting the back patio and it turned out well. It is definitely a project I will do again with them as it was easy to make and enjoyed by all.

 Ellie's Pillows on Her Bed (and of course Molly Monks)
 Quinn's Pillows (just sitting on our bed for the picture)
 Sidewalk Chalk Paint
 My Artists (Not much for looking at the camera as they were busy creating their masterpieces!)

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