Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ellie's Last Day of School

Most know that I teach Ellie what we call "Mommy School" here at home. I want her to have good foundations going into school and so we cover reading, math and I do some science and social studies (mainly through hands on activities). I have a ton of resources from when I taught and I use those or create stuff on my own. This year we worked on sounds for each letter and the short and long vowels. She did an amazing job and I am so proud of her! She is very interested in learning! She is also very eager to begin kindergarten and can't wait to be in the classroom. A couple of her friends begin this year and she is a little sad that she was born a few months later and has to wait another year.

End of Year Picture Next to Our Sound Cards

1 comment:

Becky said...

Such a cutie and so smart! Mommy is a great teacher. Even little Quinny is learning so much!