Friday, June 6, 2014

Open For The Season

Our pool opened for the season and we went for the first time with Nana on Memorial Day. We LOVE the pool we join! It is never super crowded and has a slide and a great kid's area. This week we went and were the only ones there until lunch! The girls love it! I know I am going to spend lots of time in the water this summer at the pool as it is a great way to stay cool! Ellie is taking swim lessons in a couple weeks. She is already more confident this year in the water, so with lessons she is really going to take off. For Quinn I still use the float I have used with both the girls. There are other options, but since the baby is not here I am using the option we already have. It is perfect. The kid's pool is only 1 1/2 feet deep and so Quinn has discovered she can walk while in her float and spends her time doing laps, which she absolutely loves. It is funny to watch, but she could go round and round for hours.

 Being Brave!

 Doing her laps!

Lounging and Snacking!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Nana had a great time at the pool. Watch out once Ellie has a few swimming lessons.....I think she will become a little fish like her mommy was! Then Quinn will follow and learn from her like Andrew followed you!