Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What We've Been Up To (According to My Phone)

Here are our latest adventures with pictures from my phone! 

 Going to the Pool A Lot!
 Someone is using big girl panties! She has been nothing like Ellie. Ellie was trained for the most part within a few days, this little one has taken longer to make the connection but we have made the turn for the better the last three days, so I am feeling better about it. Ben tells me Ellie just spoiled me with how well she did.
 I made Ellie a new blanket as her old one was too little and needed some repairs. She picked out the fabric with very little guidance and she sleeps with it all the time.
 Going to the Park!
 I made a sling for our new baby boy cousin due in October! Uncle Drew and Miss B will be having a little boy just two months after we have our little girl! Miss B's favorite color is green, so Ellie chose this great fabric!
 Sportin' Our Shades
 Our first harvest from our little container garden! Tomatoes and Radishes! They are great and I am enjoying them in my salads!
 I finished the baby's blanket! Ellie's color has always been pink, Quinn's has been purple and this little girl is getting yellow with grey. It is funny, Quinn and Ellie actually prefer their colors and ask for things that are that color when it comes to toys, clothes or even candy.
 Loves wearing dresses EVERYDAY! Thanks Granny for another cute one!
 Likes to wear her goggles even when not swimming!
 Doing lots of swimming lessons!

 Movie Night while Daddy was at Camp! They requested Frozen again!
 Back to swimming this week! Only two days left and then it is up to Mom and Dad to continue the skills this summer.
And while Ellie swims Quinny performs! She has been putting on dance and song concerts for me while we wait! She makes up her own songs and moves so most times I am not really sure what she is singing, but she is quite entertained as well as myself and those sitting around us.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Missing the girls! The blankets are so great. Miss B loved her sling and it is the perfect color! Ellie did a good job picking the fabric. Wish you were here to take on some of my zucchini! I have frozen it, cooked it for dinner several different ways and made lots of zucchini bread!

I so happy for Quinny and the potty training! I would love to see her concerts!