Monday, May 12, 2014

26 weeks down...

...and 13 or less left! As I told Ben on Mother's Day, we were 3 months exactly from having a baby, either at the hospital or already home with us! (As you can tell, I am really excited to meet this little girl!) Things are going well. She is continuing to move all the time and the doctor says my size is perfect. I am going to have an ultrasound at 28 weeks, which is totally normal to check her growth, since I have a special diet. I am really excited as my Mom will be here for the week and gets to go with me! This is our last baby and since she lives far away she doesn't get to go to these kinds of things with me so I am so happy my doctor was willing to wait a week or two so that she could be here to go.

Still basically just growing straight out! People are always surprised when I am out when they notice I am pregnant and even more surprised I am already 26 weeks. I will take the surprise as it means the diet and exercise are working. ;)

1 comment:

Becky said...

I am so excited I get to be there! Can't wait! I love you!