Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Planting Our Garden

I try to plant some sort of plants with Ellie each year. I am working on my green thumb, it tends to be brown more than green. Some years I do a really good job and others not so great. This year I am determined to be successful! Ellie and I read garden books during her school time for the month of April and then we went to Lowe's and she picked out the seeds she wanted to plant. I then used the resources we had, which was 6 flower pots, to make our garden. We have planted sunflowers, zinnias, radishes, carrots, tomatoes and I planted some cilantro for myself. Quinn also helped in the planting and was in charge of the zinnias. So far everything has lived and sprouted except the cilantro. Every day the girls look in the pots and examine their sprouts. Ellie is also very good at reminding me to water them every day, which I need as baby brain has totally effected my train of thought right now. :)

 Daddy even helped water to make sure we did it right.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Where's Ellie's beans??? Love Quinn's watering picture!